I’ve worked on many projects over the years, most of them was proprietary. In this note I store list of my active open-source “pet projects”, this is important part of my learning and working process.
Twitch Tracker
chats analyzing and manage
HTML/CSS/JS framework
learning sandbox
OpenCV bot
L2 game bot
Projects Archive
old projects
This note is important enough to link it with index.
[?] Tic-Tac-Toe game in react, partially done, wasn’t too fun.
Stream Chat Manager
Snake V2
Spectre Inomoz
proxy checker
Zettelkasten wiki.
Nix, dotfiles + scripts, my custom NixOS configuration and scripts.
DIY Architectural lighting, right now stair lighting.
Software 3D engine.
RPG?/Farming? game in Godot (as simplest starting point in game development).
OpenCV L2 Bot for the L2 game, L2bot?
iturdikulov.com website