Lineage 2 tools

Lineage II is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) for Microsoft Windows and the second game in the Lineage series. It is a prequel to Lineage and is set 150 years before the first game. It has become popular since its October 1, 2003 launch in South Korea, reporting 1,000,918 unique users during the month of March 2007. To date, the game has been played by more than 14 million users, most of whom are based in Asia.
— Wikipedia

Lineage II adopted a free-to-play model in Lineage II: Goddess of Destruction, with all game content being free except for “purchasable in-game store items and packs” in November 2011.

  • L2PE - The little tool for edit existing object’s properties or import/export new one. Features: – Edit object properties such as emitters colors etc. – Import/Export a new object to/from Lineage 2 files. – Supports higher Lineage 2 Chronicles/Clients.
  • L2smr - Tool for adding/editing StaticMesh actors.
  • L2Tool - it’s universal UTX package viewer, converter to Unread Editor format and TGA/DDS image replacer.
  • XDAT Editor - An open source interface.xdat editor by acmi.
  • Protection ID - The little tool for analyzing protection type for separated files or CD/DVDs.
  • HD GeoEditor v.1.07b by DRiN
  • CFF Explorer - A freeware suite of tools including a PE editor called CFF Explorer and a process viewer
  • Unreal Tournament Package Tool - This Windows tool can examine an UT package file (and also from other Unreal Engine games) and extract its objects in several formats. It allows you to extract textures, sounds, music, scripts, meshes.
  • WOTgreal – File Viewer/Exporter for Lineage 2 .u files WOTgreal can examine and export the classes, meshes, images and sounds of a particular Unreal Tournament mod (.u file). Features: Open most unreal engine package files and view their content, extract some interesting objects in viewable format, decompile unrealscript code.
  • L2 File Edit ++ v.2
  • UE Viewer – unreal engine packages viewer for Lineage 2 files
  • Skeletal Mesh Editor - The Skeletal Mesh Editor Mode is where you can find the tools to manipulate and preview Skeletal Mesh assets
  • ActorX Importer for 3ds Max - ActorX Importer complements functionality of the Epic Games ActorX Exporter. Epic’s plugin can export psk and psa files from 3ds Max, Maya and XSI. Plugin from this page has opposite functionality: you can load psk and psa files back to the 3ds Max (there is no versions for Maya and XSI).
  • UTPT – File Viewer/Exporter for Lineage 2 files UTPT can examine a UT package file (and also from other Unreal Engine games) and extract its objects in several formats. It allows you to extract textures, sounds, music, scripts, meshes.
  • L2DK - программа позволяет войти в режим разработчика не имея сервера. С помощью данной программы вы сможете примерить любую одежду, оружие, аксессуар, посмотреть анимацию скиллов и любоваться разными НПЦ. Установка: Распакуйте архив в папку system, где расположена ваша игра и запустите Lineage 2 DK.exe , далее нажмите Develop mode. После этого Игра запустится в режиме разработчика. Нажмите Tab и вводите: SV - (Skill Viewer) просмотр анимации скиллов PV - (Pawn Viewer) просмотр одежды, оружия NV - (NPC Viewer) просмотр нпс (всех нпс, можно погулять валакасом по крепе например)

Client Side stuff

winetricks requirements:

export WINEARCH=win32 winetricks vcrun2005 vcrun2008 vcrun2010 vcrun2012 vcrun2013 vcrun2015 wine system/l2.exe winetricks corefonts winetricks sandbox winecfg and configure drivers

Kill game guard (high-five), method


  1. Open in РЕ Editor core.dll (system\core.dll)
  2. Go to exports → ?GL2UseGameGuard@@3HA (046c)
  3. Go to hex and get offset, in my case: 000e0db4
  4. Open in hex editor core.dll and go to offset


Supported files: u, uax, ukx, unr, usx, utx How to use Compiled:

  1. Extract to your Lineage II folder.
  2. Open UnrealEd.exe
  3. Enjoy! Note: If you want to edit the L2Editor run options, edit UT2003.ini Note: For Prelude client use instead.

How to use Source:

  1. Extract
  2. Use Visual Studio 2013 Community Edition to build it.
  3. Run System!GenerateLibs.bat to generate lib files for l2 dlls.

L2Editor based on L2 Prelude DLLs. (Build Maps using original files from NCSOFT as result can build correct Intensity Maps aka IntMap) Checked on the chronicles Prelude, Interlude, HF, Helios-GameCost, Salvation-Kr.

Saves packages as Version 123 Licensee 0. Opens native packages 111, 121. Running on the original LineageEffect, LineageEffect_br, LineageWarrior from Salvation.

Problems and issues are still enough but I will continue to work on the availability of free time.

If you are interested in further development of the project, you can create issues: L2Editor issues.

It is desirable with screenshots, video or any info that will help to quickly understand the problem.

If you are interested in the source code of this editor, you can contact with me. The options can be as follows: Exchange or simply handing over to people with a normal reputation on the forum.

All other questions are also in the PM or Skype lord0fdest.

Have a nice day!

Installation: Replace original Prelude System folder in client to System from archive. Features: Build Intensity Maps. And other stuff =p Limitations: Open/Save only Prelude Maps. Known issues: Crash on maps with AMover, AMovableStaticMesh. Support: At the moment I do not have free time to support this project. Cookies: UnrealEd-Prelude UnEditor-Prelude-Complete-Package

P.S. Maybe in future I try to share Interlude version of this Editor after fixing a lot of issues ;)

P.S.S Have a nice day.



First version can open various maps, second save them with lighting

Simply epic. I hope you are able to correct issue with lighting =)

L2Editor based on L2 Prelude DLLs. (Build Maps using original files from NCSOFT as result can build correct Intensity Maps aka IntMap)

Known issues: Crash on maps with AMover, AMovableStaticMesh.

sorry for dig it up but who know the solution for solving black terrain? set up ambient brightness in zone info. Then rebuild map. AmbiengtBrightness=255

Has anyone managed to prevent the editor from crashing when trying to import armor animations (psa)? use gildor’s ut2004 editor for that.

I have the both the ut2003 and ut2004 version that is able to open .ukx packs created by the ut2down tool, but I can’t open default C1 packs with it. I’ve been trying to port C6 textures into the C1 client. I found out how to manually add notifys, but I was unable to import sounds into the pack. I tried editing directly the C1 pack with the lordofdest-l2editor-25.10.2017 version, which seems to work, but it crashed when trying to add animations (skirts). just resave them with l2editor

I have also tried the UnrealED from the latest patch of Unreal Tournament 2004, which can create .ukx files and is compatible with the ut2down encryption. (I can open and edit .ukx files encrypted with the ut2down tool)

Intensity maps for terrain sectors:

  1. Can be generated using FDynamicLight::SampleIntensity.
  2. Extension for DevMode to call UTerrainSector::MakeIntensityMap() and ULevel::Serialize. For other objects Lineage2 using FMultiLightMap (before GoD which using Beast) Issues will be fixed after fail with loading UnreadEd on Prelude dlls or not fix if we have success. =)

Change in levelinfo in lighting ilumination to 255 ;)

Prelude Prelude dll editor. Works good except terrain editor, but you can create it with different editors.

Interlude Unfinished Interlude dll editor.

L2Editor Universal client editor, supports all clients till fafurion. Some functions don’t work. Breaks level light upon saving the map.

MAPS Unreal Engine decompiled Unreal maps so u can modify and import actors from there. Even these which are not supported by your editor.

UedTexKit allows to convert unrealG16 .bmp heightmaps to G16 .tiff and backwards.

Geobuilder - creates geodata with client. U can setup startup map in l2.ini.

PandasBuildConv converts client-builded geodata into _conv.dat

HDGE geodata editor/converter

Режим разработчика (devmod) в клиенте Lineage 2

Основано на базе гайда от Ulthar, 20 май 2011, Devmode (режим разработчика) в клиенте Lineage | 4Game.

  1. Download L2 File Editor

  2. Decrypt and open l2.ini

  3. Save file as l2pawn.ini in same directory with this modifications: NOTE: set read-only flag on this file, otherwise client will rewrite it. If not working try to overwrite l2.ini.

    … set initial parameters in [URL] section

    localmap=20_20.unr isl2netlogin=false isl2console=false isusecommand=false l2threadfilter=1

    … set resolution for dev mode

    [windrv.windowsclient] fullscreenviewportx=1400 fullscreenviewporty=1050

    … in the end add

    [l2pawnviewer] st_head=0 st_rhand=0 st_lhand=0 st_gloves=0 st_chest=0 st_legs=0 st_feet=0 st_back=0 st_rlhand=1299

  4. Now you can execute pawn enabled client: start l2.bin -ini=l2pawn.ini

Commands aviable:

  • fly
  • ghost
  • hero
  • press <tab> and then type pv (pawn viewer), now you can select race
  • press <tab> and type nv (npc viewer), now you can select npc, you search with mesh names, like ostrich
  • press <tab> and type sv (skill viewer), now you can select skill, you
  • <ins> enabled debug mode


Lighting & Extraction