Rust cheat-sheet
In the following sections, I’ll describe the basics of Rust programming language with Q/A flashcards based on Learn Rust in Y Minutes 1 cheatsheet.
// This is a comment. Line comments look like this...
// and extend multiple lines like this.
/* Block comments
/* can be nested. */ */
/// Documentation comments look like this and support markdown notation.
/// # Examples
/// let five = 5
fn main() {}
1. Basics
// Functions
// `i32` is the type for 32-bit signed integers
fn add2(x: i32, y: i32) -> i32 {
// Implicit return (no semicolon)
x + y
fn main() {
println!("2 + 2 = {}", add2(2, 2));
What is the output of the above code?
Results: 2 + 2 = 4
How to set immutable variables?
fn main() {
let x: i32 = 1;
println!("Immutable binding (variables): {}", x);
let y: i32 = 13i32;
let f: f64 = 1.3f64;
println!("Integer/float numbers suffixes: {} {}", y, f);
Is there type inference in Rust?
Yes. Most of the time, the Rust compiler can infer what type a variable is, so
you don’t have to write an explicit type annotation.
use std::any::type_name;
fn print_type_of<T>(_: &T) {
println!("{}", type_name::<T>());
fn main() {
let x = 1;
let y = 1.3;
println!("Types of 1 and 1.3:");
Types of 1 and 1.3:
How to sum two bindings, 1 and 2?
Need just to use +
fn main() {
let x = 1;
let y = 2;
let sum = x + y + 13;
println!("Sum of 1, 2, 13 is {}", sum); // Sum of 1, 2, 13 is 16
How to set and change mutable variable?
fn main() {
// Mutable variable
let mut mutable = 1;
mutable = 4;
mutable += 2;
println!("{}", mutable); // 6
How to set string literals?
fn main(){
// String literals
let x: &str = "hello world!";
let f = 1.3;
// Printing
println!("{} {}", f, x); // 1.3 hello world!
How to set a heap-allocated string (dynamic string)?
fn main() {
// A `String` – a heap-allocated string
// Stored as a `Vec<u8>` and always holds a valid UTF-8 sequence,
// which is not null terminated.
let s: String = "hello world".to_string();
A string slice – an immutable view into another string. This is basically an
immutable pointer and length of a string – it doesn’t actually contain the
contents of a string, just a pointer to the beginning and a length of a string
buffer, statically allocated or contained in another object (in this case, s
The string slice is like a view &[u8]
into Vec<T>
fn main() {
let s: String = "hello world".to_string();
let s_slice: &str = &s;
println!("{} {}", s, s_slice);
What this code will print?
Results: hello world hello world
How to set a fixed-size array and dynamic array (vector)?
fn main() {
// A fixed-size array
let four_ints: [i32; 4] = [1, 2, 3, 4];
// A dynamic array (vector)
let mut vector: Vec<i32> = vec![1, 2, 3, 4];
println!("Fixed-size array {:?}", four_ints);
println!("Dynamic array {:?}", vector);
Fixed-size array [1, 2, 3, 4]
Dynamic array [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
A slice – an immutable view into a vector or array. This is much like a string
slice, but for vectors. How to create slice of vec![1, 2, 3, 4]
fn main() {
let mut vector: Vec<i32> = vec![1, 2, 3, 4];
let slice: &[i32] = &vector[0..2];
// Use `{:?}` to print something debug-style
println!("{:?} {:?}", vector, slice); // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
A tuple is a fixed-size set of values of possibly different types. How to define
tuple in rust with 1, "hello", 3.4
items, how to get second item?
fn main() {
let x: (i32, &str, f64) = (1, "hello", 3.4);
// Indexing
println!("{}", x.1); // hello
How to destructure (unpacking with strict arity) let x: (i32, &str, f64)
into a, b, c?
// Destructuring `let`
let (a, b, c) = x;
println!("{} {} {}", a, b, c); // 1 hello 3.4
2. Types
How to define a struct with x, y (i32) fields?
fn main() {
// Struct
struct Point {
x: i32,
y: i32,
let origin: Point = Point { x: 0, y: 0 };
println!("Origin is at ({}, {})", origin.x, origin.y);
A struct with unnamed fields, called a ‘tuple struct’, how to define it?
fn main() {
struct Point2(i32, i32);
let origin2 = Point2(0, 0);
println!("Origin is at ({}, {})", origin2.0, origin2.1);
How to define basic C-like enum?
fn main() {
enum Direction {
let up = Direction::Up;
How to create enum with fields?
Enum with fields. If you want to make something optional, the standard library
has Option
fn main() {
enum OptionalI32 {
let two: OptionalI32 = OptionalI32::AnI32(2);
let nothing = OptionalI32::Nothing;
When these generics are useful?
struct Foo<T> { bar: T }
// This is defined in the standard library as `Option`
// `Option` is used in place of where a null pointer
// would normally be used.
enum Optional<T> {
fn main() {
// Using Foo<T> with different types
let foo_int = Foo { bar: 42 };
let foo_str = Foo { bar: "Hello, Rust!" };
println!("Foo with i32: {}",;
println!("Foo with &str: {}",;
// Using Optional<T> (custom Option<T>)
let some_value: Optional<i32> = Optional::SomeVal(100);
let no_value: Optional<i32> = Optional::NoVal;
// Matching on Optional<T>
match some_value {
Optional::SomeVal(v) => println!("We have a value: {}", v),
Optional::NoVal => println!("No value present"),
// Foo with i32: 42
// Foo with &str: Hello, Rust!
match no_value {
Optional::SomeVal(v) => println!("We have a value: {}", v),
Optional::NoVal => println!("No value present"),
// We have a value: 100
// No value present
We use generics to create definitions for items like function
signatures or structs, which we can then use with many different concrete
data types. They also allow us to avod code duplication.
Using methods with generics.
struct Foo<T> { bar: T }
fn main() {
impl<T> Foo<T> {
// Methods take an explicit `self` parameter
fn bar(&self) -> &T { // self is borrowed (immutable)
fn bar_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T { // self is mutably borrowed
fn into_bar(self) -> T { // here self is consumed
let a_foo = Foo { bar: 1 };
let mut b_foo = Foo { bar: 2 };
let c_foo = Foo { bar: 3 };
println!("{}", b_foo.bar_mut());
println!("{}", c_foo.into_bar());
What this code will print?
Traits, known as interfaces or typeclasses in other languages. Functionality a
particular type has and can share with other types. How to define trait?
struct Foo<T> { bar: T }
fn main() {
trait Frobnicate<T> {
fn frobnicate(self) -> Option<T>;
impl<T> Frobnicate<T> for Foo<T> {
fn frobnicate(self) -> Option<T> {
let another_foo = Foo { bar: 1 };
println!("{:?}", another_foo.frobnicate()); // Some(1)
How to define function pointer and it’s type?
fn main() {
// Some function
fn fibonacci(n: u32) -> u32 {
match n {
0 => 1,
1 => 1,
_ => fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2),
// Define function pointer type
type FunctionPointer = fn(u32) -> u32;
let fib : FunctionPointer = fibonacci;
println!("Fib: {}", fib(4)); // 5
println!("Pointer address: {:?}", fib as *const u32);
Fib: 5
Pointer address: 0x55b7c5107c60
3. Pattern matching
How to match on enum?
enum OptionalI32 {
fn print_nothing() {
println!("it’s nothing!")
fn main() {
let foo = OptionalI32::AnI32(1);
match foo {
OptionalI32::AnI32(n) => println!("it’s an i32: {}", n),
OptionalI32::Nothing => print_nothing(),
// it’s an i32: 1
What this code will print?
enum OptionalI32 {
fn main() {
struct FooBar { x: i32, y: OptionalI32 }
let bar = FooBar { x: 15, y: OptionalI32::AnI32(32) };
match bar {
FooBar { x: 0, y: OptionalI32::AnI32(0) } =>
println!("The numbers are zero!"),
FooBar { x: n, y: OptionalI32::AnI32(m) } if n == m =>
println!("The numbers are the same"),
FooBar { x: n, y: OptionalI32::AnI32(m) } =>
println!("Different numbers: {} {}", n, m),
FooBar { x: _, y: OptionalI32::Nothing } =>
println!("The second number is Nothing!"),
Results: Different numbers: 15 32
4. Control flow
How to use simple control flow?
fn main() {
if 1 == 1 {
println!("Maths is working!"); // Maths is working!
} else {
println!("Oh no...");
How to use if
as expression of let value
fn main() {
let value = if true {
} else {
println!("{}", value); // good
How to iterate over [1, 2, 3]
, 0u32..10
and print each item?
fn main() {
// `for` loops/iteration
let array = [1, 2, 3];
for i in array {
println!("{}", i);
// Ranges
for i in 0u32..10 {
print!("{} ", i);
// prints `0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 `
How to create loop with while
and loop
fn main() {
while 1 == 1 {
println!("The universe is operating normally.");
// break statement gets out of the while loop.
// It avoids useless iterations.
// Infinite loop if `break` is not used
loop {
// break statement gets out of the loop
5. Memory safety & pointers
What last line of this code will print?
fn main() {
// Owned pointer – only one thing can ‘own’ this pointer at a time
// This means that when the `Box` leaves its scope, it will be automatically deallocated safely.
let mut mine: Box<i32> = Box::new(3);
*mine = 5; // dereference
// Here, `now_its_mine` takes ownership of `mine`. In other words, `mine` is moved.
let mut now_its_mine = mine;
*now_its_mine += 2;
println!("{}", now_its_mine); // 7
println!("{}", mine); // << ???
This would not compile (error: borrow of moved value mine
because now_its_mine
now owns the pointer
Reference – an immutable pointer that refers to other data When a reference is
taken to a value, we say that the value has been ‘borrowed’. While a value is
borrowed immutably, it cannot be mutated or moved. A borrow is active until?
The last use of the borrowing variable.
fn main() {
let mut var = 4;
var = 3;
let ref_var: &i32 = &var;
println!("{}", var); // Unlike `mine`, `var` can still be used
println!("{}", *ref_var);
// var = 5; // this would not compile because ==`var` is borrowed==
// *ref_var = 6; // this would not either, because `ref_var` is an immutable reference
ref_var; // no-op, but counts as a use and keeps the borrow active
var = 2; // ref_var is no longer used after the line above, so the borrow has ended
While a value is mutably borrowed, it cannot be accessed at all, is that true?
Yes. For example:
fn main() {
// Mutable reference
// While a value is mutably borrowed, it cannot be accessed at all.
let mut var2 = 4;
println!("{}", var2);
let ref_var2: &mut i32 = &mut var2;
*ref_var2 += 2; // '*' is used to point to the mutably borrowed var2
println!("{}", *ref_var2); // 6 , // var2 would not compile.
// ref_var2 is of type &mut i32, so stores a reference to an i32, not the value.
// var2 = 2; // WARN: this would not compile because `var2` is borrowed.
ref_var2; // no-op, but counts as a use and keeps the borrow active until here
// var2 = 2;
NEXT: compare with original cheatsheet