1. Whetting Your Appetite
In this section described when Python can be usable. For example scripting, creating simple program with GUI, automate some daily work.
Also described strong points of Python, such as rapid development (write / compile / test / re-compile cycle), interactivity, extensibility, splitting into modules, simple integration, automation, batteries-included.
Python is ==interpreted== language, no compilation and linking is necessary (but possible).
Python can be used as “glue language”, to connect components together.
Main differences between C, Java, Go etc.:
- the high-level data types allow you to express complex operations in a single statement;
- statement grouping is done by indentation instead of beginning and ending brackets;
- no variable or argument declarations are necessary.
Primary Python paradigm is?
Python is primarily object-oriented programming language,
but also supports imperative, functional, and procedural paradigms.
Python typing is?
Python is dynamically typed.
Python compiled or interpreted language?
Interpreted language.
Do python have garbage collection feature?
Yes, memory management is done with automatic garbage collection.
Is Python code readable (at least for most people)?
Yes, known for being clear and concise with readable syntax, since used spaced
indentation, simplified expression of complex things, etc.
Is Python programs fast?
Generally considered slower than compiled languages, but optimized for rapid
development and readability, in recent years there significant performance
Is Python high-level or low-level language?
Python is high-level programming language.
Can I create some product usually faster with Python?
Usually yes, python features including rapid development and connecting various
components of programming system.