Object-oriented programming (OOP)

==Object-Oriented Programming, or “OOP”= is way (pattern) of writing computer programs using “objects” to stand for data and methods. Often, computer programs that are not object-oriented are a list of instructions for the computer, telling it to do certain things in a certain way.
— Wikipedia

Paradigms like object-oriented programming and functional programming are all about making code easier to work with and understand, but need always keep balance and avoid over-engineering.

Programming principles are commonly used to make object-oriented designs better.

Be careful, OOP can produce a lot of boilerplate code. It’s not always the best solution.

If you need to change it, you have to change it in multiple places If you forget to change it in one place, you’ll have a bug It’s more work to write it over and over again

Usually object-oriented programming techniques using various programming principles and take advantage of software quality.

This is main point of "clean code".

Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.
— Martin Fowler

Reason to write “clean code”?

  • Make code easier to work with
  • Make it easier to find and fix bugs
  • Make the development process faster
  • Help us retain our sanity

A class is a special type of value in an object-oriented programming language like Python. It’s similar to a dictionary in that it usually stores other types inside itself.

Difference between function and method (Python):
Method has all the same properties as a function, but it is tied directly to a class and has access to all its properties. A method can operate on data that is contained within the class.

Their first method parameter (self convention) is always the instance of the class.

class Rise:
    def __init__(self, name="Rise", age=1):
        self.name = name
        self.age = age
    # Class method (function tied to the class)
    def composition(self, *args):
        return f"{self.name} is {self.age} years old. Examples: {args}"
one_rise = Rise()  # instantiate a class
print(one_rise.composition("Aquatica", "Jasmine"))  # call a method
rice = [Rise() for i in range(100)]  # create a list of 100 objects (rise instances)
class Archer:
    def __init__(self, name, health, num_arrows):  # required parameters
        self.name = name
        self.health = health
        self.num_arrows = num_arrows
    def get_shot(self):
        self.health -= 1
        if self.health <= 0:
            raise Exception(f"{self.name} is dead")
    def shoot(self, target):
        if self.num_arrows:
            self.num_arrows -= 1
            raise Exception(f"{self.name} can't shoot")
legolas = Archer("Legolas", 100, 10)
orc = Archer("Orc", 10, 10)
while True:
  if legolas.health <= 0 or orc.health <= 0:

Why Class methods often don’t return anything explicitly?
Methods often don’t return anything explicitly because they can mutate the properties of the object (class instance) instead, usually by modifying the instance’s self parameter.

Which programming style is better, functional or object-oriented?
Because functions are more explicit, some developers argue that functional programming is better than object-oriented programming. In reality, neither paradigm is “better”, and the best developers learn and understand both styles and use them as they see fit.
For example, while methods are more implicit and often make code more difficult to read, they also make it easier to group a program’s data and behavior in one place, which can lead to a more organized codebase.

Class variables remain the same between instances of the same class and are declared at the top level of a class definition. In other languages these types of variables are often called static variables. How we are able to show differences between instance and class variables in Python?

# Let's assume we show difference for this class
class Wall:
    height = 10

class Wall:
    height = 10
south_wall = Wall()
north_wall = Wall()
print(south_wall.height, north_wall.height)
Wall.height = 50 # updates all instances of a Wall
print(south_wall.height, north_wall.height)

What is encapsulation?
Encapsulation is the practice of hiding complexity inside a “black box” so that it’s easier to focus on the problem at hand. Encapsulation prevents external code from being concerned with the internal workings of an object.

Is encapsulation a security feature?
Encapsulation is about organization, not security.

Private data members are how we encapsulate logic and data within a class. Which items in code are private, and which are public, does this code fully works?

class Wall:
    def __init__(self, armor, magic_resistance):
        # Implementation details, after creating the wall we don't care about
        # them anymore
        self.__armor = armor
        self.__magic_resistance = magic_resistance
    def get_defense(self):
        return self.__armor + self.__magic_resistance
front_wall = Wall(10, 20)

In code above get_defense() is a public method, but armor and magic_resistance are private data members. Code will raise an error, when we try to access armor, if we really want to get it (not recommended), need to use front_wall._Wall__armor.
