Galaxy Defiance

Display → Window → Stretch → Mode: Canvas items. This mode optimized for pixel art games.

In this mode, the base size specified in width and height in the project settings is stretched to cover the whole screen (taking the Stretch Aspect setting into account). This means that everything is rendered directly at the target resolution. 3D is unaffected, while in 2D, there is no longer a 1:1 correspondence between sprite pixels and screen pixels, which may result in scaling artifacts.

Rendering → Textures. Choose the nearest default canvas filter, which more optimized for pixel art.


Ctrl + F1: Open 2D Editor

Open 3D Editor Ctrl + F2

Open Script Editor Ctrl + F3

F5 - start project. F7 - pause project. F8 - stop project.

When you use custom components with exporting some properties, don’t forget to set them in editor to avoid errors in your scripts.

Godot has many object types, like Nodes or Resources (textures, scripts, etc).

You can attach script (or create and attach) to node by pressing Attach Script button (Top left in Scene tab).

To install addon, extract it into addons/ directory in your project. And enable it in plugins (AssetLib).

Settings Text Editor Behaviour Indent to set indentation to 4 spaces.

You can debug active running game scene objects in Scene tab (Remote sub-tab).


Timer: Counts down a specified interval and emits a signal on reaching 0. Can be set to repeat or “one-shot” mode.

VisibleOnScreenEnabler2D represents a rectangular region of 2D space. When any part of this region becomes visible on screen or in a viewport, it will emit a screen_entered signal, and likewise it will emit a screen_exited signal when no part of it remains visible.


You can turn on snapping (top toolbar or S-S/S-G keys).

Use Node2D transform properties to set initial position of object.

func _process is called every frame.


Ship build using AnimatedSprite2D node (Animation Sprite Frames).

You can load frames into Animations by C-O or C-S-O (sprite sheet).

You can select which frame will be auto-played on load by using AutoPlay button.


You can drag & drop nodes into text editor. Before drop hold Ctrl (initially don’t hold it) to create onready variable. If you want to automatically add types in this case, enable it in Text Editor Completion Add Type Hints.