How to type 100 words per minute
I spent too much time trying to improve my typing speed by doing the wrong things. After much experimentation and many dead ends, I discovered several techniques to consistently boost my typing speed by 5 wpm at a time. Repeating this process allowed me to exceed 100 wpm so I’ll share the techniques as well as my mistakes to save you from repeating them. If you can tap each finger just twice per second then you can exceed 100 wpm by using all your fingers.
So limit isn’t physical, it’s mental/brain. I especially have some difficult, because I’m not native English speaker. TODO: Check this when I reach 100+ wpm 😀.
We usually type on keyboard at 80% of our top speed so whatever speed you envision to be ideal for your profession, add an extra 25% to it when thinking about the speed to aim for in typing tests.
I think this number much less, when you tired or when you’re not in the mood.
He recommends buying a mechanical keyboard, which I already have, and I like it.
More recommendations with my notes:
“Proper posture is important as minor discomforts get amplified over time.” I agree, and definitely need to improve my posture. And combine it with my physical exercise plan.
“Measure your progress often” If I use training tools, I’ll measure my progress often.
“Don’t restart the test if you start making mistakes.” I need stop doing it!
“Take one step at a time” I need stay calm, don’t rush and progress slowly, as needed
“Prefer short and frequent sessions” spaced repetition also can be applied here
“Pressing keys” Use chords for typing (I think its native method). Prefer light-typing. Practice double-typing each finger for light-typing.
“Finger placement” I’m usually following these rules, finger position, thumb for space and type abbreviation with both hands.
“Dealing with mistakes”
- Priorities to train: accuracy; rhythm; …
- Use c+backspace instead backspace.
“Transition between words” Keep home row finger position, after typing a word. Make it muscle memory.
“Mental model”
Memorize the relative offset for each finger from its resting position on the home row
I created fingers relative positions map to help me with this.
Colemak finger positions
- “Use a typing trainer to re-enforce the mental model”
Refer to touch typing for more details.
- “Don’t look at the keyboard”
Yeah! I usually don’t look at the keyboard.
- “Master fundamentals before continuing”
- You type each key with the correct finger.
- You type without looking at the keyboard.
- You return your fingers to the home row before starting the next word.
- Your accuracy is at least 95%. If your accuracy is lower, slow down and increase your accuracy with Keybr as accuracy is very important before continuing.
- Your individual key speeds stopped increasing the last few days on Keybr.
- “Change your pace for each word”
Dynamic rhythm is fine. So I can slow down for long words and speed up for short words.
- “Look at the next word while typing the current word”
It’s natural behavior, so I don’t need to force myself to do it.
- “Reset your typing noise tempo”
Need typo in silence? Usually I do it.
- “Type using rolls”
So need use predicted patterns, various lessons, etc.
- “Build a vocabulary of words”
I think monkey typing is good for this. And it has code vocabulary.
- “Aim for 5 WPM higher than your current speed and practice each set of 50 words until reaching that target.”
So need constantly change lessons after you raised some point of speed.