My notes, my projects and my life
I’m a programmer, who is trying to be a professional in the field and stay a human being at the same time. My primary specialization is backend web development, but I’m also interested in computer graphics, game development and art.
My site contains mainly my notes that are of interest of me, they are managed with Zettelkasten methodology. I use them mostly to improve my education process, store information that important for me and share it with others. I will be pleased if you find something useful.
My notes are sort of “second brain”, allow me choosing what to do next, store long-term information and focus on important things:
- Projects to do something interesting and useful.
- Work as main activity, finance source.
- Learning is source of pet projects.
- Awesome software list help me to control and learn “tools”.
- Media collection, for relax and fun.
Almost all notes written in English language, which isn’t my primary one, so be ready for grammar mistakes.
For press or business inquiries, you can contact me via email. But please don’t send me spam messages, I might be interested in job offers or something related to notes published on this site.
To get email address please try to use one of these methods:
If you have “modern” web browser you can read it from the picture below.
Combine my name in lowercase (
), the at sign (@
), and current domain (
), and you’ll get full email address.
Other ways to contact me maybe I’ll share through email contact channel.
My primary goals and related activities list
I store here my primary goals and related sub-goals here, they are in same time habits flashcards, which allow me to track them.
Do I’m making some progress dayly/weekly/monthly/quartaly/yearly, do I need to change something, these flashcards are helping to answer this.
Keep It Fun, otherwise you will never form habits with your activities.
Goal 1: Become an effective programmer
I want to become a very effective and simple programmer, to solve important problems and for my own pleasure. For this goal I need to create truely effective and simple programs. This requires natural sciences, computer science and deep programming knowledge. Thus, I define my sub-goals:
Learn math concepts and solve math problems every week, to imporve my problems solving skills.
mathematics -
Learn physics, chemistry, philosophy and psychology every week, to understand the world better, and discover effective solutions from nature.
physics, chemistry, philosophy and psychology -
Learn computer science, programming and AI daily, to progress in my goal.
computer science, computer programming, artificial intelligence -
Improve my code and text writing skills, proficiency with development tools every week, to improve my productivity.
Neovim, Unix, my awesome software list -
Work on projects daily, to solve important problems and for my own pleasure.
projects -
Update my website articles and posts in social platforms weekly, to share my knowledge, self-promote and find opportunities to reach my main goal. -
Learn digital electronics and build circuits every month, to understand hardware better to solve my household problems and for my DIY projects.
digital electronics
Goal 2: Quench the desire to create visual art
Sketch/Paint/Design/Compose/Record/Write something every week, to quench thirst for art and be creative.
art, my music, my videos, my literature -
Learn computer graphics and game development every week, to create amazing visual content.
computer graphics, game development.
Goal 3: Improve the quality of life and be happy
Socialize with family, friends and colleagues, each day, to feel happy.
people -
Exercise, eat, sleep, meditate each day, to feel better and imporve my quality of life.
my health -
Improve English and Russian language writing and speaking skills every week, to communicate and understand people better.
English, Russian -
Explore something new in the world from verified soruces, to obitain new inspiration and be informed and prepared.
my news