Netrw makes reading files, writing files, browsing over a network, and local browsing easy!
—:h netrw
List key mappings::F1
or :WhichKey
if available
Toggle banner::I
Locate file in file manager:::Explore
or :Ex
, keybinding is <leader>pv
netrw explore variants:::Vexplore
, :Hexplore
, :Texplore
, :Sexplore
Open directory, parent directory::<cr>
, -
or u
Preview window (press again to update), close preview window::p
, <C-w>z
Toggle hidden files::gh
Create file::%
Create a new directory::d
Clear marks in current buffer::mF
Clear all marks::mu
Operation on files
NOTE: you can use let g:netrw_keepdir = 0
to allow copy/move to parent
directories (or use cd
keybinding to change current directory).
NOTE: to support recursive copy need to customize copy directories command:
let g:netrw_localcopydircmd = 'cp -r'
Assign the “target directory” used by the move and copy commands.::mt
Assign target directory and copy in one command::mtmc
Copy/move the marked files in the target directory.::mc
, mm
Runs an external command on the marked files.::mx
Rename (move) file::R
Marks a file or directory::mf
Delete a file or an empty directory::D
Delete a file or directory recursively::mx
(my custom script)
Add bookmark, most recent bookmark::mb
, {num}gb
List bookmarks and history::qb
Remove the most recent bookmark::mB
Mark visual selection:::normal mf
, which transforms to :'<,'>normal mf
Change permissions::gp
Select sorting style::s
, by name, time, or file size
Change the owner::mf
to select files, mx
then chown ...
TODO: select all directories. TODO: invert the selection. TODO: switch between files and directories
:h netrw
:h netrw-quickmap