
mpv is a free (as in freedom) media player for the command line (it has own pseudo-gui). It supports a wide variety of media file formats (including images), audio and video codecs, and subtitle types.

mpv also provide GPU video decoding, API, scripts, OSD, OSC, configurable keybinding and ton of other features.

I use it as my main video player

Keyboard bindings (keys are sensitive)

Resize window::M-0, M-1, M-2

Half speed increase/decrease::[, ]

Double speed::{, }

Reset speed::BCK

Seek::h, j, k, l Undo last seek::S-BCK Frame forward/backward::., ,

Next/Previous in playlist::<, >




Increase/decrease volume::/, *

Switch video / audio tracks::_, #

Toggle on top::T

Show progression bar, elapsed time and total duration on the OSD.::o

Toggle duration display::O

Toggle subtitles::v Switch subtitles::J S Adjust subtitles delay +/-::z, Z Adjust subtitles font::S-g, S-f

Adjust audio delay::C-+, C--


Take screenshot::s, C-s

Show lists::F8, F9

Show OSD state::F1

Show stats::i, I

Contrast::1, 2

Brightness::3, 4

Gamma::5, 6

Saturation::7, 8

mpv playlist manager

Show playlist::S-Return

Sort playlist by filename::C-p

Shuffle playlist::C-P

Reverse playlist::C-R

Save playlist::p

Load all files from current directory::P

Movement in playlist - up/down::up, down

Movement in playlist - page up/page down::PgUp, PgDown

Movement in playlist - first entry::Home

Movement in playlist - last entry::End

Remove selected entry from playlist::BCK

Open selected entry (or next file is playing)::Enter

Select or Unselect the file under cursor (to reorder)::Left, Right

Close playlist::Esc

Custom hotkeys

Play clipboard URL: M-q-p Global pause: s-Play mpv fzf history: s-S-Play



TODO: add scripts from my nix dotfiles