Insertion sort
Insertion sort in action
Can you describe the steps of insertion sort (graphically)?
# First pass-through
4. .7.1.3 -> we begin at index 1 and remove it into temp_value
2.*4*.7.1.3 -> 4 > 2, 4 shifted to the right, place temp_value into the gap
# Second pass-through
2.4. .1.3 -> we begin at index 2 and remove it into temp_value
2.4.*7*.1.3 -> 4 is less than 7, shift not required, 7 go back into the gap
# Third pass-through
2.4.7. .3 -> we begin at index 3 and remove it into temp_value
2.4. .7.3 -> 7 > 1, so we shift 7 to the right
2. 4.7.3 -> 4 > 1, so we shift 4 to the right -> 2 > 1, so we shift 2 to the right
*1*. -> since gap at array starting point, we can insert temp_value back into the gap
# Fourth pass-through -> we begin at index 4 and remove it into temp_value
1.2.4. .7 -> 7 > 3, so we shift 7 to the right
1.2. .4.7 -> 4 > 3, so we shift 4 to the right
1.2.*3*.4.7 -> 3 is less than 4, shift not required, 3 go back into the gap
# Our array is fully sorted
Code implementation: insertion sort
Can you write the code for insertion sort, at least partially?
The efficiency of insertion sort
Four types of steps occur in Insertion Sort, which ones with typical order of
removals (“cut”), comparisons, shifts, and insertions, in total steps in worst case
If there are N elements, we make ==== comparisons and shifts with insertion sort.
If there are N elements, we make ==== pass-throughs and same amount of removals and insertions.
If Insertion Sort takes steps for the worst-case scenario, we’d say that it takes about ==== steps for the average scenario, and in the best-case scenario it’s about steps, both .
Selection sort takes fewer steps in best-case scenario because it has mechanism for ending a pass-through early and any point.
If you have reason to assume you’ll be dealing with data that is mostly sorted
which sorting algorithm would you use, selection sort or insertion sort?
Insertion sort, because it’s faster in best-case scenario when data is mostly