
Fugitive is the premier Vim plugin for Git. Or maybe it’s the premier Git plugin for Vim? Either way, it’s “so awesome, it should be illegal”. That’s why it’s called Fugitive.
— tpope/vim-fugitive: A Git wrapper

Get file local history/undotree::<leader>u

Open git commit UI, git status::<Leader>gg

Open git commit UI vertically:::vert G

Fugitive menu::<leader>g

:diffoff[!]::Close diff window, can be used in combination with :q[!] to close

:diffupdate::update diff window, can help with highlighting issues

Index file represent last committed version of file.

Checkout branch::<leader>go

Grep in branch::<leader>gp, <leader>gP (quickfix list)

Move current file to another location :Git move::<leader>gm

Stage current file if it’s working copy, or checkout if it’s index file
:Gwrite or <leader>gW

:Gwrite on index file will checkout file.

:Gwrite on working copy will stage file.

:diffput its like ==:Gwrite== but for diff window and works with hunks.

:diffput on working copy will stage hunk.

:diffput on index file will checkout hunk.

dp is hotkey for ==:diffput==. p is stays for “put”.

Checkout current file if it’s working copy, or stage if it’s index file
:Gread or <leader>gR

:Gread on index file will stage file.

:Gread on working copy will checkout file.

:diffget its like ==:Gread== but for diff window and works with hunks.

:diffget on working copy will checkout hunk.

:diffget on index file will stage hunk.

do is hotkey for ==:diffget==. o is stays for “obtain”.

:Gremove::Remove current file

:Gmove <relative_path>::Move current file, to append current file use <ctrl-r>%

:G blame::Open split window with blame buffer

:G commit::Open split window with commit buffer

:Gedit :<path> or Gedit :0 or <leader>ge::Open index file

:Gdiffsplit or <leader>gd::vimdiff against the index version of the file, quit from this mode by :q

:Git diff or <leader>gD::git diff against the last committed version of the file.

:Git commit --ammend or <leader>ga::amend last commit

:Git add -p or <leader>gA::run git add with patch

To use :diffget on deleted lines, place cursor position after that lines.

List branches <leader>gb and then press =<tab>=.

Log git history of current file::<leader>gl

Search in git history (git log -S...)::<leader>gL

Open fugitive object in new split/tab::o or O

Perform a :Gdiffsplit on the file under the cursor.::dd

Perform a :Gvdiffsplit on the file under the cursor::dv

Perform a :Ghdiffsplit on the file under the cursor::ds

Open diff/git for current file::=

Stage/Unstage (add/reset) file, works in visual mode too (multiple files)::-

Next/previous hunk::(, )

Stage hunk::s

Unstage hunk::u

Stash the changes::czz

Apply topmost stash::cza

Commit staged changes::cc

Run git add –patch for current file (interactive stage)::P

Push changes::<leader>pp (in fugitive mode for nvim)

Push and create merge request::<leader>pT (in fugitive mode for nvim)

Pull::<leader>pP (in fugitive mode for nvim)

During a merge conflict, this is a three-way diff against the “ours” and “theirs” ancestors (open with dd). Additional ==d2o, d3o, dp== maps are provided by vim-fugitive to obtain the hunk from the “ours” or “theirs” ancestor, respectively.

What if I want to pick changes from head (target branch) or from branch-name (merge-branch) during merge conflict (ignore remote or local changes), how to do it with vim-fugitive?
Need to use Gwrite!, ! is required because this is dangerous command, and you can lose your changes. Be very careful with this strategy anyway.

Git signs menu::<leader>h[key]

:Grename newname::Full rename

TODO: cherry-pick file/changes