Array operations

There are 4 basic operations that can be performed on an array: read, search, insert, delete


Array reading operation is looking up (access/retrieve) a value at a particular index in an array. It’s efficient and fastest operation, since require only one step. Get index, jump to position, read value.

Array reading require only ==one ()== step, because we can retrieve value by some computation (array address + index).

When computer allocate an array, it makes note at which memory addresses the array begins, and knowing that address and index of any element, computer can calculate the memory address (simply addition) of that element in one step.

shopping list array Schematic array representation in memory

An array is stored such that the position of each element can be computed from its index tuple by a mathematical formula. So a computer can find the value at any index by performing simple addition.

memory address10111213141516171819

Read value from an array, at index 3, array begins from memory address 10, Which value address is?

  1. Array begins from memory address 10
  2. Index 3 will be exactly 3 positions after address 10
  3. So, memory address for index 3 is 13
  4. Read value from memory address 13 👀


Searching in array is looking to see if a particular value exists within the array, and if so, at which index.

Start search value in each cell of array (sequentially comparing), if we found value return its index and skip any further steps (hey sorted arrays 😉).

Sometimes you need to search for an index of a value in the array, is sort of inverse of reading (and much slower). We provide a value to the computer and asking it to return the index of that value’s location. One method to retrieve it is linear search.

Basic search operation is "linear" search. We check each cell one at time until we find the value we are looking for (or until we read all cells).

What advantages linear search has with ordered array?
With ordered array we can stop search early in certain situations, even if the value isn’t contained within the array. Iterate while element < search value, return index if found or break if element > search value.

Search in array is much slower than read (less efficient). Maximum steps are N (), where N is a number of cells in array.

Linear search algorithm code for sorted array, basic ideas at lest:

# WARNING: this example designed for sorted array.
# We iterate through every element in the array:
def linear_search(array, search_value)
    array.each_with_index do |element, index|
        # If we find the value we're looking for, we return its index:
        if element == search_value
            return index
        # If we reach an element that is greater than the value
        # we're looking for, we can exit the loop early,
        # item won't be found anyway:
        elsif element > search_value
    # We return nil if we do not find the value within the array:
    return nil
i = linear_search([3, 17, 75, 80, 202, 300], 202)
puts i

For both kinds of arrays (sorted and unsorted), if they contain N elements, linear search can take up to ==N steps ()==. But if you use a binary search, which can be used with ordered arrays, effectiveness of search will raise dramatically ().

Binary search for ordered array

NOTE: that binary search is only possible within an ordered array, with classic array we need to read all cells.

Example of how binary search works:

# input data: ordered array with 9 elements, need find value 7

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
        9          # we begin with central cell, wich was calclulated
? ? ? ?            # we eliminated 5 items, because 7 is less than 9
? 4 ? ?            # we inspect middlemost value (left one)
    ? ?            # we eliminated 2 items, because 7 is more than 4
    6 ?            # so left only 1 cell and we need inspect it
      7            # if here no 7, we not return index, in our case we
                   # return index #3


Adding a new value to an additional slot within the array is inserting operation. Get index, jump to index position, optionally shift data, insert value (usually before index position).

When computer allocating an array, the computer always keeps track of the array’s size.

Efficiency depends on where we insert the value:

  • End - one step, we know index where to place, because we have beginning address and size of array. But keep in mind, we need to allocate more memory for array while inserting, which cost some time/operations.

  • Beginning or in the middle, this operation requires shifting data. In the worst case (begging of array) it’s steps, where is a number of items in array.

shopping list array insert.excalidraw
Array insertion operation in memory

How many steps will take array insertion in the worst case?
steps, where is a number of items in array required to shift and 1 is insert operation.


Deletion from array is operation of?
Removing a value from the array. In other words process of eliminating the value at a particular index. This is sort of reverse of insertion. Get index, jump to position, delete value, move all values to the left.

shopping list array delete Array deletion operation in memory

In worst case deletion from array operation will take (steps)?
steps, where is a number of items in array. One step to delete value, and (we don’t need to shift deleted value) steps to shift data.