Zathura document viewer

Zathura is my favorite documents’ viewer. It’s support many formats (for example PDF), lightweight and fast.

I use custom configuration to adjust colors/fonts and paddings.

General keybindings

Navigation, zooming, control UI, open links, etc.

Go to next/previous page::J / K

Scroll to the left, down, up or right direction::h / j / k / l

Scroll to half page up or down::C-u / C-d

Scroll to full page up or down::C-f / C-b or Space / S-space

Scroll to half page left or right (useful for wide documents)::C-t / C-y

Scroll to full page left or right (useful for wide documents)::t / y

Go to the first/last page::gg / G

Go to nth page::nG

Snaps to the current page (sort of centering current page)::P

Go to bottom / top of current page::H / L

Move backward and forward through the jump list::C-o / i

Bisect forward and backward between the last two jump points. Generate new jump point and go to it.
C-j / ^k

Abort (for example from command-line mode)::Esc / C-c

Fit content in window to width / best-fit (full page)::s / a

Search text forward / backward::/ / ?

Search for next / previous occurrence of search pattern::n / N

Open document / open document in current directory::o / O

Follow links (like in vimium)::f

Display link target (page number)::F

Copy link target to clipboard (page number)::c

Enter command-line mode:::

Rotate by 90 degrees clockwise::r

Recolor (grayscale and invert colors, sort of night mode)::C-r

Reload document::R

Toggle dual page view::d

Switch to presentation mode (full-screen without UI)::F5

Switch to full-screen mode (like presentation but with UI)::F11

Toggle statusbar/inputbar::C-n / ^m

Zoom in / reset, zoom out::+ / =, - or zI / z0 or zO / zz

Zoom to size n::n=

Set a quickmark::m<letter>

Go to quickmark::'<letter>

Quit (like in vim)::q

Index mode

Special mode for navigating the document’s index (table of contents).

Show index (table of contents) and switch to Index mode::Tab

Move up / down and expand / collapse current entry::h / j / k / l

Expand/collapse all entries::L / H

Select and open entry::space / Return

Mouse bindings

Wheel up / Wheel down::ScrollWheelUp / ScrollWheelDown

Zoom in / out::C-ScrollWheelUp / C-ScrollWheelDown

Pan the document::Hold RightMouse

Follow link::LeftMouse


List bookmarks (stored in ~/.local/share/zathura/bookmarks):::blist

Save a bookmark:::bmark <name>

Delete a bookmark:::bdelete <name>

Close document (but not Zathura):::close

Open a document (support tab completion):::open

Show document information::info

Execute an external command. PAGE to the current page number ? :exec <command>

Print document:::print

Save document (and force overwriting) with optional path:::write[!] [<path>]

Write values, descriptions, etc. of all current settings to a file::dump

Export attachments ? For “export”, there are two possibilities:

export attachment-{name} {file_name}

export image-p{page_number}-{image_number} {file_name}

Set page offset ? :offset <offset> The command :offset <number> will make Zathura take into account an offset when jumping to a page number (by typing G, the command : will not mind the offset). For example, a given book begins counting its pages on the PDF’s 17th page (so on page 17, the index is 1; on 18 it is 2, and so on). On setting :offset 16, 245G will jump to the 261st page of the PDF rather than the 245th.
