Taylor Will series on NixOS

His code repo: GitHub - wiltaylor/dotfiles: My personal dotfiles

What is nix?

  • package build system
  • reproducible builds
  • build isolation
  • nix store
  • nix pkgs

What is NixOS?

  • Linux’s distribution built on top of nix
  • Nix Modules
  • Profiles and Genertaions

Why NixOS?

  • infrastructure as code
  • easily tinker and recover
  • modify packages and add your own
  • development shells

How to install NixOS

NixOS main website is https://nixos.org/.

I download minimal image and copy it into USB drive with Ventoy.

My guide to install NixOS described in own note: NixOS pre-install.

Home manager

Home Manager Manual.

I use latest standalone with specific Nixpkgs version. Example:

$ nix-channel --add https://github.com/nix-community/home-manager/archive/release-23.05.tar.gz home-manager
$ nix-channel --update
# you propably want to restart shell or relogin here
$ nix-shell '<home-manager>' -A install

Use $ home-manager switch to apply changes using home manager.

Use sudo nixos-rebuild switch to apply NixOS changes. Nixos-rebuild - NixOS Wiki.

You can run test build with nixos-rebuild test. More info on nixos-rebuild --help.

You can roll back to previous generation with nixos-rebuild --rollback switch.

You can update channel with nix-channel --update and then rebuild.

man configuration.nix configuration options.

man home-configuration.nix home manager options.


You can use -I nixosconfig=/path/to/config flag with nixos-rebuild switch and -f /path/to/config with home-manager switch to specify configuration file.

NixOS and FHS

NixOS doesn’t follow the FHS:

  • Missing directories or very few files.
  • Can’t directly modify files in /etc (most thins here read-only).
  • Where are all the files?
  • Path ($PATH)
    • $HOME/.nix-profile/bin
    • /run/current-system/sw/bin
  1. ~/.nix-profile/bin It’s directory for user-specific binaries. It’s added to $PATH by default.
  2. /run/current-system It’s system files (system profile), with generated files and symlinks
  3. /run/current-system/sw Very similar to standard FHS. But it’s mostly contain symbolic links to packages files.
  4. /nix/store. Everything is here. Read only, contains derivations and packages files. NixOS can do garbage collection over this directory and do other specific tasks. You can optimize NixOS storage by 2 commands:
    • nix-store --optimise
    • nix-store --gc. Garbage collection recommended doing after deleting old generations (nix-env --delete-generations <14d|old>).
  5. Profiles, sort of collections of packages. /etc/nix/profiles /run/current-system, current system profile ~/.nix-profile - current user profile /nix/var/nix/profiles, contains list of generations of system configurations /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user, contains list of generations of user
  6. Nix configuration /etc/nix/nix.conf NixOS configures in configuration.nix! Non NixOS systems you can modify it. /nix/nixos you config files for NixOS, but I manage them in dotfiles.
  7. Nix log files /nix/var/log, better to use specific tools to work with them nix log, nix log /nix/store/ on failed build, nix give you command to check logs

Get hashes for packages

https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/191128 I think the preferred way to do it now (as of Nix 2.2) is using an SRI hash.

$ git clone —depth 1 https://github.com/owner/repo path/to/clone

# blah blah
$ git -C path/to/clone rev-parse HEAD
$ rm -r path/to/clone/.git
$ nix hash-path path/to/clone
fetchFromGitHub {
  owner = "owner";
  repo = "repo";
  rev = "65bb66d364e0d10d00bd848a3d35e2755654655b";
  hash = "sha256-8EUDsWeTeZwJNrtjEsUNLMt9I9mjabPRBZG83u7xtPw=";

As a new Nix user, this took me a really long time to figure out as I didn’t realise the sha256 hash outputted in the error message with the trick of using a garbage hash was not the same as the part after the sha256- in these new hashes.*

Hopefully this can help some other people coming from Google.

*EDIT: I’m not sure when this changed, but I’m now using Nix v2.5.1 and the error message is like this:

specified: sha256-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA= got: sha256-8EUDsWeTeZwJNrtjEsUNLMt9I9mjabPRBZG83u7xtPw= This is different from the old version:

wanted: sha256:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 got: sha256:1z5ly7pdxg4i0p8v6sd3v4ipvjrc1p2i4qxv6q4rqyckcyqh6igh The old version uses base32, and the new version uses base64.

nix hash to-base64 sha256:1z5ly7pdxg4i0p8v6sd3v4ipvjrc1p2i4qxv6q4rqyckcyqh6igh 8EUDsWeTeZwJNrtjEsUNLMt9I9mjabPRBZG83u7xtPw= $ nix hash to-sri sha256:1z5ly7pdxg4i0p8v6sd3v4ipvjrc1p2i4qxv6q4rqyckcyqh6igh sha256-8EUDsWeTeZwJNrtjEsUNLMt9I9mjabPRBZG83u7xtPw= In short:

old hash: sha256:base32encoding new (SRI) hash: sha256-base64encoding

Alternatively, if you already know the revision hash:

nix-prefetch fetchFromGitHub —owner owner —repo repo —rev 65bb66d364e0d10d00bd848a3d35e2755654655b The fetcher will be called as follows:

fetchFromGitHub { owner = “owner”; repo = “repo”; rev = “65bb66d364e0d10d00bd848a3d35e2755654655b”; sha256 = “sha256:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000”; }


  • Functional
  • Lazy Evaluation
  • Immutable
  • Derivation

Derivation generation process: Nix Code → Derivation → Store

Language structures

  • variables
  • sets
  • lists
  • functions
  • derivations


a = 7;
b = "string";
c = ''


  a = 7;
  b = "string";
  c = {
    d = 8;


a [1 2 3]; # no commas


# Simple function that takes param and returns param + 1
func1 = param: param + 1;
func2 = {param1, param2}: param1 + param2;


derivation {
  system = "x86_64-linux";
  name = "foo";
  builder = "/bin/sh";
  outputs = [ "out" ];

Better alternative (wrappers)

  • mkDerivation
  • runCommand
  • writeScriptBin

Languages special statements

Better to follow this guide: https://nixos.org/manual/nix/stable/language/constructs.html


enviroment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [


x = import ./myother.nix; # don't forget to drop last ; at the end in .nix
                          # if you will import it
y = import ./folder; # import ./folder/default.nix


When defining a set or in a let-expression it is often convenient to copy variables from the surrounding lexical scope (e.g., when you want to propagate attributes). This can be shortened using the inherit keyword. For instance,

let x = 123; in
{ inherit x;
  y = 456;

is equal to

{ x = 123;
  y = 456;


new_val = if x == 7 then "yes" else "no";


  x = 7; # computation
in {
  y = x; # use of computation (result)

Helpful Resources


Like Python REPL, you can do interactive programming with Nix.

  • Can open with nix repl
  • Close with C-d
  • Support any Nix expression

Language server


Learning resources

Nix Shell

Simple shell

# Start shell with hello package in path
nix-shell -p hello
# Start shell with hello package in path
# and execute hello command
nix-shell -p hello --run hello
# Packages runned in shell are not installed in system
# and removed on garbage collection

Complex shell

You can write nix expression to create shell with packages you need.

# name it shell.nix and run nix-shell
{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> { } }:
# myScript is a derivation
let myScript = pkgs.writeScriptBin "my-script" ''
  #!/usr/bin/env bash
  echo "Hello, world!"
in pkgs.mkShell {
  name = "my-shell";
  buildInputs = with pkgs; [
  shellHook = ''
    echo "Hello, world!"


What are flakes?

  • Project file
  • Dependency management (support dynamic lock files)
  • Updates

There various methods to enable nix flakes:

Temporary Add --experimental-features 'nix-command flakes' when calling the nix command.

Permanent (NixOS variant in configuration.nix) and run nixos-rebuild.

# example from Saturday, July 22 2023
# https://github.com/Misterio77/nix-starter-configs/blob/main/minimal/nixos/configuration.nix
nix = {
  # This will add each flake input as a registry
  # To make nix3 commands consistent with your flake
  registry = lib.mapAttrs (_: value: { flake = value; }) inputs;
  # This will additionally add your inputs to the system's legacy channels
  # Making legacy nix commands consistent as well, awesome!
  nixPath = lib.mapAttrsToList (key: value: "${key}=${value.to.path}") config.nix.registry;
  settings = {
    # Enable flakes and new 'nix' command
    experimental-features = "nix-command flakes";
    # Deduplicate and optimize nix store
    auto-optimise-store = true;

To validate that flakes are enabled run nix --version and check /etc/nix/nix.conf file and grep for experimental-features.

Working with flake

Advanced info is here: https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Flakes

Main commands (get more by nix flake --help):

  • nix flake init - initialize flake
  • nix flake update - update flake
  • nix flake lock - lock flake
  • nix flake check - check flake
  • nix flake info - show flake info

First you need to initialize nix flake (default template): nix flake init This will generate this template:

  description = "A very basic flake";
  outputs = { self, nixpkgs }: {
    packages.x86_64-linux.hello = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.x86_64-linux.hello;
    packages.x86_64-linux.default = self.packages.x86_64-linux.hello;


You can configure nixpkgs flake version, by adding nixpkgs.url in inputs:

  description = "A very basic flake";
  # inputs is an attribute set of all the dependencies of the flake.
  inputs = {
    # use master branch of the GitHub repository as input,
    # this is the most common input format
    nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-23.05";
  outputs = { self, nixpkgs }: {
    packages.x86_64-linux.hello = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.x86_64-linux.hello;
    packages.x86_64-linux.default = self.packages.x86_64-linux.hello;


To get list of flake outputs: nix flake show

You can build flake output with nix build .#. .# here is a reference to the current directory/flake.

You can put in outputs various things:

  • packages
  • modules
  • applications
  • shells
  • home manager configurations
  • nix system configurations
  • etc.

Когда ставится проприетарное приложение, оно патчится утилитой patchelf, которая прописывает прямо в бинарник пути к библиотекам в /nix/store. Но если приложение само скачивает бинарники - (например VS Code скачивает компилятор и пытается запускать, или Steam скачивает игры и пытается запускать :))) ) - они будут непропатчены и не будут работать.

Для этого есть такая штука как steam-run. Она делает контейнер, внутри которого симлинками создана стандартная файловая структура линукса, со всеми библиотеками по стандартным путям. Чисто симлинками. И внутри этого контейнера может запускаться любое стороннее бинарное приложение, например игры в Steam.



mail config: https://github.com/luisantonioig/nixos-config/blob/master/mail.nix

https://github.com/Inom-Turdikulov/nix_dotfiles https://gitlab.com/liketechnik/nixos-files/-/blob/master/profiles/neovim/default.nix#L4 https://github.com/jordanisaacs/dotfiles https://codeberg.org/anriha/nixos-config/src/branch/main/configuration.nix https://github.com/Misterio77/nix-starter-configs

Lifesaver, custom DWM! https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dev-null-undefined/NixOs/master/modules/generated/nixos/de/dwm.nix
