Telescope - Neovim plugin
Highly extendable fuzzy finder over lists. Telescope is centered around modularity, allowing for easy customization.
Find, Filter, Preview, Pick. All lua, all the time. Gaze deeply into unknown regions using the power of the moon.
— GitHub
Default Mappings
Mappings are fully customizable. Many familiar mapping patterns are set up as defaults.
TODO: More info, format flashcards
TODO: convert to flashcards
<C-n>/<Down> - Next item
<C-p>/<Up> - Previous item
j/k - Next/previous (in normal mode)
H/M/L - Select High/Middle/Low (in normal mode)
gg/G - Select the first/last item (in normal mode)
<CR> - Confirm selection
<C-x> - Go to file selection as a split
<C-v> - Go to file selection as a vsplit
<C-t> - Go to a file in a new tab
<C-u> - Scroll up in preview window
<C-d> - Scroll down in preview window
<C-/> - Show mappings for picker actions (insert mode)
? - Show mappings for picker actions (normal mode)
<C-c> - Close telescope
<Esc> - Close telescope (in normal mode)
<Tab> - Toggle selection and move to next selection
<S-Tab> - Toggle selection and move to prev selection
<C-q> - Send all items not filtered to quickfixlist (qflist)
<M-q> - Send all selected items to qflist