Action role-playing game developed by Bethesda Game Studios. Fifth main installment in The Elder Scrolls series, following The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion (2006).
My primary interest with this game is modding possibilities, Papyrus scripting engine, etc.
Basically I install Mod Organizer 2 and some recommended mods.
TODO: review Modding Skyrim SE on Linux - A Headache Minimization Guide at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community
Simplified Mod Organizer 2 installation guide: steamtinker.
Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE64) - This is explained and linked in the Beginner’s Guide. Required to run a number of essential or “Highly recommended” mods.
- Optional Add-on: SKSE.ini download - For those of you too lazy to set up the skse.ini yourselves, you can download it here and install like any other mod
Unofficial Patches PC This fixes thousands of bugs. Again, if you followed through with the Beginner’s Guide you should have this installed and sorted already.
SkyUI - Considered essential because of the Mod Configuration Menu, which a lot of other mods rely on. Again, this is outlined and installed in the Beginner’s Guide.
SSE Engine Fixes - Fixes a number of engine bugs present in the Special Edition and Classic, including decoupling waterflow to the in-game timer, double perk bug, “false save corruption” bug, and more. Similar to “Crash Fixes”. Read the description to see all of the present features.
Recommended Mods
More Informative Console - Replaces the console UI to show a great deal of information related to what is being targeted (actors, objects, etc.). Similar to MFG Console in Classic Skyrim, but more.
Modern Brawl Bug Fix - from the USKP wiki: bugfixes that pertain to brawling while also under the influence of cloak spells of various types. See mod description for a better explanation.
Better Dialogue Controls - Improves the dialogue boxes in game to work with keyboard+mouse. No more accidentally saying the wrong thing!
Better MessageBox Controls - Same as the previous mod, but applies to all other message boxes (skill trees, map, etc)
Realistic Ragdolls and Force - Exactly what it says.
Particle and Subsurface Scattering Patch - Does not require ENB and will fix glowing waterfalls/streams and make light reflections look more natural.
Flora Respawn Fix - Fixes an issue where flora won’t respawn after harvesting no matter how long you wait.
Fixed Dragon Stalking Fix - For the last time, I’ve told you I’m seeing other dragons! Please stop showing up out of the blue like this…
Optional Mods
Cutting Room Floor - This is a result of unfinished content created by bethesda but not included in the final release (most likely due to time constraints). This mod restores and finishes that content.
The Choice Is Yours - You now have the option to decline quests. No more journal full of crap simply because you overheard a conversation or read a book.
Alternate Start - Live Another Life
- The carriage ride intro to Skyrim is a very script heavy (and very fragile) piece of Skyrim. Quite a few mods can break this intro due to additional script latency. ASLAL lets you bypass the carriage ride and choose from one of many different starting points designed for roleplay
A Quality World Map - Greatly improves the look of the map. Makes route planning so much easier. A must if you don’t use fast travel.
Cobb Controlmap Fix - Allows you to unbind gameplay keys from menu keys, so that changing Activate to something other than “E” won’t also ghost-change Use in menus to that other key.