
Slack is an IM program designed by Slack Technologies and owned by Salesforce. Although Slack was developed for professional and organizational communications, it has also been adopted as a community platform. Users can communicate with voice calls, video calls, text messaging, media, and files in private chats or as part of communities called “workspaces.” Slack also uses IRC-style features such as persistent chat rooms (channels) organized by topic, private groups, and direct messaging. In addition to these online communication features, Slack can integrate with other software.
— Wikipedia

One of my main communication tools with my colleagues.


Jump to a conversation::ctrl + k

Move focus to the next section::F6

Move focus to the previous section::shift + F6

Open direct messages menu::ctrl + shift + k

Compose a new message::ctrl + n

Open channel browser::ctrl + shift + l

Open the Threads view::ctrl + shift + t

Previous unread channel or DM::alt + shift + up

Next unread channel or DM::alt + shift + down

Previous channel or DM visited::alt + left

Next channel or DM visited::alt + right

Preferences::ctrl + ,

Open or close right pane::ctrl + .

Channel info pane::ctrl + shift + i

Mentions & reactions::ctrl + shift + m

People::ctrl + shift + e

Saved items::ctrl + shift + s

Search current channel or conversation::ctrl + f

Open previous search::ctrl + g

Toggle full screen view::ctrl + shift + f

All Unread navigation

Open All Unread’s view::ctrl + shift + a

Mark messages as unread::alt + click

Move to message above::up

Move to message below::down

Open channels::right

Collapse channels::left

Switch workspaces

Switch to previous workspace::ctrl + shift + tab

Switch to next workspace::ctrl + tab

Switch to workspace 1 (see assigned number under the workspace icon in your Slack app)::ctrl + 1

Mark messages read or unread

Mark all messages in current channel or DM as read::esc

Mark all messages as read::shift + esc

Set a message as your oldest unread message::alt + click

Take an action on a message

Edit your message::e

Add an emoji reaction::r

Open or reply to a thread::t

Pin or unpin a message::p

Share a message::s

Save a message or remove from Saved items::a

Mark as unread starting from a message::u

Delete your message::del

Create a reminder about a message::m

Format messages

Edit your last message::ctrl + up

Select text to beginning of current line::shift + up

Select text to end of current line::shift + down

Create a new line in your message::shift + enter

Add an emoji reaction to a message::ctrl + shift + \

Bold selected text::ctrl + b

Italicize selected text::ctrl + i

Strike-through selected text::ctrl + shift + x

Quote selected text::ctrl + shift + 9

Format messages

Code selected text::ctrl + shift + c

Codeblock selected text::ctrl + alt + shift + c

Turn selected text into a numbered list::ctrl + shift + 7

Turn selected text into a bulleted list::ctrl + shift + 8

Apply formatting to Markdown text::ctrl + shift + f

Undo message formatting::ctrl + z

Files and snippets

Upload file::ctrl + u

Create new Snippet::ctrl + shift + enter

Call actions

Toggle mute on and off (Hold down to talk when muted)::m

Toggle video on and off::v

Show invite list::a

View emoji reactions and select first::e 1