- TeX Live packages (typesetting system, TeX is a
popular means of typesetting complex mathematical formulae)
- texlive-core - essential package, based on the medium upstream install scheme
- texlive-latexextra - contains many useful packages, such as polyglossia, amsmath and graphicx.
- texlive-langcyrillic - TeX Live - Fonts and macro packages to typeset Cyrillic texts
- texlive-bibtexextra - contains additional BibTeX and BibLaTeX styles and bibliography databases.
- CTAN: Comprehensive TeX Archive Network The Comprehensive TEX Archive Network (CTAN) is the central place for all kinds of material around TEX. CTAN has currently 6397 packages. 2917 contributors have contributed to it. Most of the packages are free and can be downloaded and used immediately.
- Interesting article how to integrate Inkscape with latex: How I draw figures for my mathematical lecture notes using Inkscape.
- My auto-reload setup for writing LATEX documents in VIM