Coding Interview Practice

Kick butt at coding interviews. Be the candidate employers fight over.

Other terms

0. Algorithmic thinking

  • Big O Notation
  • Data Structures
  • Logarithms

1. Array and string manipulation

  • array
  • Array Slicing
  • In-Place Algorithms
  • Dynamic Array


  • Merging Meeting Times
  • Reverse String in Place
  • Reverse Words
  • Merge Sorted Arrays
  • Cafe Order Checker

2. Hashing and hash tables

  • Hashing and Hash Functions
  • Hash Table


  • Inflight Entertainment
  • Permutation Palindrome
  • Word Cloud Data

3. Greedy algorithms

  • Greedy Algorithms


  • Apple Stocks
  • Highest Product of 3
  • Product of All Other Numbers
  • Cafe Order Checker
  • In-Place Shuffle

4. Sorting, searching, and logarithms

  • Readings
  • Binary Search Algorithm


  • Find Rotation Point
  • Find Repeat, Space Edition
  • Top Scores
  • Merging Meeting Times

5. Trees and graphs

  • Readings
  • Binary Tree
    • Graph
    • Breadth-First Search (BFS)
  • Depth-First Search (DFS)


  • Balanced Binary Tree
  • Binary Search Tree Checker

2nd Largest Item in a Binary Search Tree

  • Graph Coloring
  • MeshMessage
  • Find Repeat, Space Edition BEAST MODE

6. Dynamic programming and recursion

  • Readings
  • Overlapping Subproblems
  • Memoization
  • Bottom-Up Algorithms


* Recursive String Permutations
* Compute the nth Fibonacci Number
* Making Change
* The Cake Thief
* Balanced Binary Tree
* Binary Search Tree Checker
* 2nd Largest Item in a Binary Search Tree

7. Queues and stacks

* Readings
* Queue
* Stack


* Largest Stack
* Implement A Queue With Two Stacks
* Parenthesis Matching
* Bracket Validator

8. Linked lists

* Readings
* Linked List


* Delete Node
* Does This Linked List Have A Cycle?
* Reverse A Linked List
* Kth to Last Node in a Singly-Linked List
* Find Repeat, Space Edition BEAST MODE

9. System design

* URL Shortener
* MillionGazillion
* Find Duplicate Files

10. General programming

* Readings
* Short Circuit Evaluation
* Garbage Collection
* Closures
* Mutable vs Immutable Objects


* Rectangular Love
* Temperature Tracker

11. Bit manipulation

* Binary Numbers
* Bitwise AND
* Bitwise OR
* Bitwise XOR (eXclusive OR)
* Bitwise NOT
* Bit Shifting
* Integer Overflow


* The Stolen Breakfast Drone

12. Combinatorics, probability, and other math

* Readings
* Triangular Series


* Which Appears Twice
* Find in Ordered Set
* In-Place Shuffle
* Simulate 5-sided die
* Simulate 7-sided die
* Two Egg Problem

13. JavaScript

* Readings
* Closures
* In-Place Algorithms


* JavaScript Scope
* What's Wrong with This JavaScript?

14. Coding Interview Tips

* Readings
* How The Coding Interview Works
* General Coding Interview Advice
* Impostor Syndrome
* Why You Hit Dead Ends
* Tips for Getting Unstuck
* The 24 Hours Before Your Interview
* Beating Behavioral Questions
* Managing Your Interview Timeline