Debugging In Neovim (ft BashBunni)

Indent paragraph: >ip

Delete paragraph: dip

:map: List of all maps for all modes

:nmap: List of all maps for normal mode

:nmap <leader>: List of all maps for normal + leader key

:verbose :nmap <leader>: List of all maps for normal + leader key + source

To debug, like LSP, dap-debug require debug server.

You can set up dap-u to use different tabs/windows.

F1-F.. can be used as mapping for step’s in progression (into/out…)

One of useful plugin is nvim-dap-virtual-text

Breakpoint condition how to use them?
For example: i == 1 - only trigger breakpoint when i is equal to 1

Dap-ui can be start automatically on starting debug session, nvim-dap trigger event and dap-ui listen it.

Key name for dap-ui events dapui_config is not important/strict rule.

Dap-debug support REPL.

Dap is created by Microsoft.

You can use as symbol for breakpoint

TODO: check remote debugging / attach to process.

TODO: check LSP-symbols and start really use them

TODO: td to run test?