A Dive into Taskwarrior Ecosystem

Typical Workflow

  1. Add a simple task: task add <description separated by spaces> Creating a task with due dates, recurrences, and tags task add Mow the lawn project:Lawnwork due:tomorrow recur:biweekly +home
  2. List tasks: task list
  3. Complete a task: task <task number> done


  • show all tasks: task all
  • add task with tag: task add +tag +tag2 <description>
  • remove tag from task: task <task number> mod -tag
  • add task with project: task add project:name.sub_project <description>
  • add task with priority: task add pri:H <description>. H, M, L are supported.
  • annotate task: task <task number> annotate <annotation>

TODO: default project, like inbox


You can use some specific task attributes, such as:

  • tags
  • project
  • priority
  • annotations
  • dates (due date, until date, schedule date, etc.)


  • due date specify the exact date by which a task must be completed.
  • scheduled date represents the earliest opportunity to work on task
  • wait date represent the earliest opportunity the task should show up on the task list
  • until date represent a date after which the task self-destructs.

Relative dates to specify:

task ... due:now
task ... due:today
task ... due:yesterday
task ... due:tomorrow
task ... due:friday
task ... due:23rd
task ... due:3wks # now +3 weeks
task ... due:1day
task ... due:9hrs
# Start of next (work) week (Monday), calendar week (Sunday or Monday), month\
# quarter and year.
task ... due:sow
task ... due:eow
task ... due:socw
task ... due:som
task ... due:soq
task ... due:soy
# Predictable holidays
task ... due:goodfriday
task ... due:easter
# Date arithmetic
task ... wait:due-3d
task ... due:today+3d
task ... due:sow+2d

Modify tasks

List of modification commands:

  • task edit
  • task annotate
  • task undo
  • task purge <ID> or <UUID>


Taskwarrior has a next report, which is sorted by decreasing urgency.

Urgency is a numeric score, Taskwarrior use a weighted linear expression to calculate urgency, which can be tweaked by user.

urgency.user.tag.next.coefficient    15.0 # +next tag
urgency.due.coefficient              12.0 # overdue or near due date
urgency.uda.priority.H.coefficient   6.0 # high Priority
urgency.uda.priority.M.coefficient   3.9 # medium Priority
urgency.udа.priority.L.coefficient   1.8 # low Priority, negative?
urgency.scheduled.coefficient        5.0 # scheduled tasks
urgency.active.coefficient           4.0 # already started tasks
urgency.age.coefficient              2.0 # coefficient for age
urgency.annotations.coefficient      1.0 # has annotations
urgency.tags.coefficient             1.0 # has tags
urgency.project.coefficient          1.0 # assigned to any project
urgency.waiting.coefficient         -3.0 # waiting task
urgency.blocked.coefficient         -5.0 # blocked by other tasks

Filters and reports

Taskwarrior has a set of pre-defined reports:

  • task next (default)
  • task completed

These can be further narrowed down using filters: $ task <FILTER> <REPORT | COMMAND>

task project:Home
task project:Work completed

Filters - attribute modifiers

Attribute modifiers improve filters

task due.before:eom priority.not:L list

Supported attribute modifiers are 1

before (synonyms under, below)
after (synonyms over, above)
is (synonym equals)
isnt (synonym not)
has (synonym contains)
startswith (synonym left)
endswith (synonym right)

Filter - expressions

You can use the following operators in filter expressions

and or xor ! # logical operators
< <= = == != !== >= > # relational operators
( ) # precedence

The = operator is not strict equality (approximate equality), sort of ranges, to use strict equality, use ==

For example:

task due.before:eom priority.not:L list
task '( due < eom or priorioty != L)' list
task '! ( project:Home or project:Garden )' list


Each report has a default filter

task show report.list.filter

Hence, a query like this:

task project:Home list

is actually task status:pending project:Home list. This can cause problems!


Configuration resides in the ~/.taskrc file

It gets auto-generated the first time you run the task command

Pretty useful settings are:

  • color schemes
  • dateformat
  • holidays
  • turning certain features on and off

Taskwarrior under the hood

is all about plaintext (generally JSON file) - look into the ~/.task/

  • completed.data
  • pending.data
  • backlog.data
  • undo.data

Garbage collection

When a task is marked as deleted, it gets a new status, and an end attribute. The task is written back into the pending.data file, but it doesn’t belong there - it belongs in the completed.data file.

Garbage Collection (garbage collection) is operation automatically run by Taskwarrior to move tasks into the correct files.

When moving tasks between the files, ID numbers are affected, because they are simply line numbers in the pending.data file.

Intermediate topics

— Custom reports This configurable in settings file. — Recurrence (and specifying frequencies)

task add Throw out the trash due:eow recur:weekly
  • Timetracking
  • Virtual tags task +TODAY, task +LATEST, check more in man task


Docker images available. Main command is task sync.


You can switch between context using this command: task @ <context>

UDA (user defined attributes)

DOM (useful for queries)

Hooks (run on added, modified, deleted tasks)

Basically its executable scripts.

Python integration

Wrapper for Taskwarrior.

import tasklib
tw = tasklib.TaskWarrior()